When you’ve been around for as long as us, you learn a lot. So, to celebrate three decades at the top of our game, Carswell Gould is sharing some pearls of wisdom we’ve picked up along the way.
Put your Wonderbra on!
Now, more than ever, it pays to look further into the future.
You can still make tough subjects fun!
Find your compass and point your business in the right direction. Without it, you're lost at sea.
Keep it simple, stupid.
No one got fired for buying IBM, but it's boring so let's 'think different'.
Developing an established brand is a lot like renovating your home.
Be part of your community.
If I told you, you have a beautiful budget would you let me play with it?
Be like Madonna and constantly reinvent yourself.
There's no such thing as B2B.
Find your point of difference.
Don't let the bastards get you down.
Don't let profit get in the way of a good thing.
Wie goed doet, goed ontmoet.
Bite off more than you can chew.
Show, don't tell!
Sometimes 'almost perfect' isn't good enough.
Without the right processes you'll never get the idea off the ground.
Sometimes the most creative campaigns come from thinking inside the box
Marketing is a game of two halves, so make it adventurous.
Herd together and link success for mutual gain.
Great leaders are willing to take risks.
Fight like a badass.
Work on your business, not in your business for a Eureka moment.
When it comes to people - you need the good, the bad, and the ugly.
People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
Try doing it doggy style!
Bring the outside in and no, we don't mean plants.
Great creativity is priceless.