Now more than ever, we think it’s important that we all Show Some Love. That’s why our amazing team at Carswell Gould have given our ever popular Show Some Love content a spruce up just in time for Valentine’s Day. You can check out the feature below or head over to our ‘love hub’ here.
Dear Marketeers,
I’d like to tell you why I think it’s so very important (and easy) to Show Some Love.
For me, it starts with each of us. The benefits of showing some love are evident in every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Showing love creates relationships and, in turn, forms the human connections that makes everything happen.
Yet today relationships are under attack. We’re becoming ever more remote as technology drives us toward new ways of living, working, communicating and doing business. Unique in our time a huge proportion of the world’s population is moving as one, in the same direction, online.
Our behavioural changes, caused by the pandemic, only heighten the importance of safeguarding and investing in relationships. These adjustments have become the new normal, challenging previous standards. Questions like, “Why should I go into the office?” “Why not always order online?” and “Shouldn’t I travel less and buy local?” are now more pertinent than ever, reflecting a significant shift in our daily choices and priorities.

The dynamic changes to behaviour heighten the importance of safeguarding and investing in our relationships. So, it makes sense for organisations to rethink how best to communicate with employees, customers, stakeholders and supply chains.
Sales and marketing own the relationship any business has with its audiences. No other team, function or department has such potential to affect so much of what a business means to the people that make it successful – its customers.
Internal and external comms, brand, digital and all communication collaborators must now step forward and use everything available to maintain, strengthen and evolve relationships with customers and, importantly, with each other.
Motivated by this imperative and, inspired by the outcome of projects we’ve recently undertaken to reconnect brands with their audiences, the Carswell Gould team has put together some great resources, ideas and insights designed especially to help you.
The idea is simple, remind each other and your clients and customers that it really does pay to ‘Show Some Love,’ especially when it comes to marketing. We already love you more just for reading this far. So, why not read on…?
I’m sure you’ll find something you can put into action and I hope you will enjoy the ideas we are sharing with you.
With very best wishes,
Ed Gould, Creative Director
Get in touch with Ed:
Zoom ID: 7174142202
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