Developing a powerful brand to compete at the highest level

Green Snow wanted its identity to convey how it works closely with its brand partners; the eco-sensitive nature of the business (putting pressure on its supply chain to eradicate the use of single-use plastics); and its strength in sports leisure (it boasts brands including Team GB, Team Sky and as clients).

Client Green Snow
Year 2019
Project team Ed Gould Emily Braybrook

Our approach

We approached the brief exploring three distinct visual treatments: an emotive symbol-led approach to align characteristics and values, settling on an Alpine ibex as they convey strength, are social and work in groups; a minimalist, typographically-led approach to convey a unique, high impact brand that is instantly recognisable and a third icon-led concept influenced by Green Snow’s links to sport and outdoor pursuits.

The outcome

The final logo incorporates an imagined cycle track made from the initials ‘G’ and ‘S’. This is accompanied by clean, lower-case, sans serif typography for the brand name. The final flourish is a green full stop; a reminder that Green Snow’s social responsibility and eco-friendly values sit at the end of everything it does.

Create a Powerful Brand Identity

Want to create a brand that stands out and connects with your target audience? As a business owner, you know the importance of having a strong brand identity. Don’t wait, request a consultation and we can help you achieve your brand development goals.

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